Calculate the required pumping power needed for a simple hydraulic system. In order to suit your particular application, click on the adjustable fields to alter calculated values.
Cylinder Size (in)
System Pressure (PSI) and Flow (GPM)
Force (Lb)
Speed (in/sec)
Cycle Time (sec)
New Flow:
New Flow:
Input Power (HP)
Considering 80% overall efficiency
Power required
Final Pressure:
Recommended Products
Most common hydraulic power units require basic components like a relief valve and hydraulic manifold. We would like to recommend a few products that would accomodate the values used in the above calculator.
Sun Relief Valve
The selected values require a custom relief valve. A Lynch hydraulic specialist can help find the right fit.
Contact us
Note: Final material selection should be based off duty cycle.
Note: Recommended flow is calculated using ~15 ft/sec oil velocity on the common T gallery. The velocity out each station pad will be higher although it is wihtin the recommended directional valve manufacturers specs. Note that depending on the relief valve response a shock pressure could be generated if the velocity is too high.
Note: Recommended flow is calculated using ~15 ft/sec oil velocity on the common T gallery. The velocity out each station pad will be higher although it is wihtin the recommended directional valve manufacturers specs. Note that depending on the relief valve response a shock pressure could be generated if the velocity is too high.
Disclaimer: While Lynch has taken great care to verify that the conversions and calculations on this page are correct please note this is a reference tool and we provide no warranties, nor assume legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any of the information supplied. If you have any questions, comments or feedback about the information of this page, please contact us.
Designed By: Rodrigo Londono P.Eng, Hydraulic Design Engineer.